Warunki świadczenia usług

All the graphical representations, pictures, and other similar content found on our website are our intellectual property. Any attempt to duplicate our efforts will see an equal response from our legal teams placed all over the globe. You may only be liable to use our art if there is an existing legal license or an agreement with our organization. If you find any wrongful activity you have come across, please feel free to notify our team via mail.

Products and sales terms.

All orders are processed and under the close clause, we have set for your convenience. It allows us for a smooth workflow and transition of stages. All our items are made on-demand and hence takes us time to craft them to your taste. There also may be minor delays when trying to reach you. Please do accept this as it is a part and parcel of this business and kindly be patient with us. Handling delays caused by external agencies are not our forte so kindly excuse us in the same matter.

Kindly understand that every skilled artist working with us to fulfil your wishes do have personal tweaks to their work. kindly abide with us if you find their rare signature touch in the pieces your order. 

There are chances that the color and shape of the depicted pictures and items are minutely different. These are the results of photographs taken under studio conditions for publishing.