Privacy Policy


PehroDesign prioritizes secure transactions and the privacy of customer information.

Your personal information will not be shared with third parties.

We gather personal data when you register with us, participate in reviews, or place an order.

When you search on our site, your search keywords are securely stored to help improve our search results.

We may use this personal information for user analysis to enhance your experience on our site.

We reserve the right to disclose your personal information when required by law, toprotect our rights, or to enforce our Terms & Conditions.

When you place an order and provide your name and details, you become a recognized user, and we will send a cookie to your computer. A cookie is a small file stored on your hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies do not contain any information that can personally identify you. They are used to make your online experience more efficient, such as storing items in your shopping basket between visits and speeding up the checkout process. Cookies do not store passwords, credit card information, or any personally identifiable information that tracks you from session to session.